RES and SFBS Joint Dinner Meeting - Training High Performing Leaders Presented by Robert Donaldson
November 7, 2024
Contact Hours:
presentation will do a deep dive into the science and psychology of how the
human brain responds to positive and negative collaborative influences based on
the environment experienced. He will move from the scientific discoveries that
are the basis for why the practical Starting Now Actions are so effective, to
instructing attendees with some of the most essential Starting Now Actions that
they can start using the very next day after the presentation.
Author, Coach and Speaker Robert M. Donaldson, Grade V Operator, has been
building collaborative work cultures since 1985. That year saw Bob hire on at
an agency that had just ended a bitter labor strike. Physical threats were
traded in hallways, personal property stolen, monthly violations and drug use
on company time. Bob’s early efforts were met with his car keyed and tires
slashed. Five years later this agency was an award-winning industry leader.
This incredible turn around and next four decades have been filled with more
ways to test, understand and communicate nearly 100 Starting Now Actions for
developing professional relationships, twinned with and supported by high
performance wisely guiding group mission. These actions create an expansive
work culture that reduces fear and maximizes inclusion, autonomy, control and
transparency. These are the necessary human components within the work culture
that will attract and keep the best talent in any industry. After all, humans
are humans wherever you go
for this Event:
Cocktail Hour: 5:00pm – 6:00pm
Buffet Dinner: Starting at 6:00pm
Presentation to follow Buffet Dinner
Members: $45
Non-members: $50 Event Contact: Brittany Rossi
Contact Email:
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