Redwood Empire Section California Water Environment Association Annual Golf Tournament
September 13, 2024
Event start time:9:00 am
Venue:Chardonnay Golf Club 2555 Jameson Canyon RD American Canyon, CA 94503-9704
Contact Hours:
Click Here for Flyer Competition
will be in the format of a four-player scramble with a 9am shotgun start. Teams
will be formed by the Tournament Organizer unless you sign up as a foursome.
Reservations MUST be pre-paid using the entry form below. The entry fee is $100
per RES CWEA Member and $140 per non-member. All entries include green fee, a
shared cart, prizes, and lunch. Payment must be received no later than August
All sponsorships provide an excellent opportunity to promote your company to
water and wastewater professionals while supporting the Kirt Brooks Memorial
Water Environment Scholarship. As an alternative, you may donate a prize to be
awarded at the buffet following the tournament. We are also asking for tee
prizes to hand out to all players. We do have a 501 (c)(3) designation. We will
provide a letter for you if requested.
Please email me back the completed form if you would like to participate. If
you have any questions about the tournament contact Brittany Rossi Worthen at
(707)778-4591 or by email: brossi@ci.petaluma.ca.us.
Event Contact Info:
Brittany Rossi Worthen
Sessions information is not available at this time.
Speaker information is not available at this time.