Climate Change Vulnerability and Resilience - On - Demand
May 13, 2021
Contact Hours:
Member fee: $25.00 Non-Member fee: $38.00
Earn 1.2 contact hours towards CWEA certifications: CSM, ECI, MT and EIT
Please join LABS for our 4th virtual presentation to learn how wastewater systems may be vulnerable to Climate Change and how facilities can become more resilient.
• Identifying areas that will be impacted by climate change stressors such as more frequent wildfires, more intense storms, greater heat waves, more variable winds, rising sea level and extended droughts • Understanding how sewers, pump stations and treatment facilities operate under extreme events now – and what else will be needed for the future • Recognize that some communities will be more vulnerable to certain stressors, and that the mitigation measures have to be tailored to protect the public health and environment for all communities in the service area • Utility staff and their specialized consultants can arrive at a set of mitigation measures – emergency action plans, monitoring and coordination, design guidelines, retrofits, changes to planned capital improvement projects and new projects to prepare for changes in our climate
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