SFBS SYP July Happy Hour
July 14, 2022
Contact Hours:
Click Here for Flyer Join us for a happy hour to network with your friends at the CWEA SFBS Students & Young Professionals (SYP) Committee! You’ll meet new people, network, and learn how to get more involved.
Opportunities to Get Involved with the SYPC! We will be holding elections soon and would love to have some new members join our team, whether in a specific role or as a general committee member. Email us at sfbssypc@gmail.com with any questions! Chair: We have a rare opportunity to become chair of the committee this year! Plan committee meetings and events, communicate with the SF Bay Section Board, and practice leadership skills. Vice Chair: Assist the chair with responsibilities, event planning, etc. and in the following year you'll become chair and get to lead the committee! Social Media Coordinator: Post events to social media, share photos, & interact with the water community. University Liaison: Advertise events with local universities & share opportunities with students. General Member: Join monthly committee meetings, help plan events, make your voice heard & assist as needed!
Event Contact Info:
Maxwell Armenta
Sessions information is not available at this time.
Speaker information is not available at this time.