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2022 Annual Pollution Prevention Awards Dinner

September 15, 2022
Contact Hours:


The Environmental Compliance program of the City of Santa Cruz and the CWEA-MBS P3S committee invite you to the 2022 Annual Pollution Prevention Awards Dinner at the Dream Inn, 175 W. Cliff Dr. in Santa Cruz, on September 15th from 5:30 to 9:30 pm.

At this event the City will present awards to area businesses for consistent compliance with the local sewer and storm water ordinances, and discuss programs of the P3S community to maintain public environmental health sustainability.

Menu includes appetizers, a main course of fish, chicken, or pasta, and a dessert.

The cost to attend is $50 for CWEA members.
**If no food is selected, the main course of "Chicken" will be chosen by default.
Contact Email: dl_ENV@cityofsantacruz.com
Call: (831) 420-6046

Sessions information is not available at this time.

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