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City of Santa Monica Sustainable Water Infrastructure Project (Live Webinar)

March 25, 2021
Contact Hours:

Member fee: $25
Non-Member fee: $35

Contact Hours:  No contact hours offered

Please join LABS for a virtual presentation to learn about how the City of Santa Monica’s (City) Sustainable Water Infrastructure Project (SWIP) which consists of three integral project elements. These elements will provide for advance treatment and reuse of brackish/saline- impaired groundwater, recycled municipal wastewater, and stormwater runoff. Tangible benefits of the SWIP include:

  • Harvest up to 4.5 million gallons (MG) of stormwater from any single storm event;
  • Comply with State MS4 and EWMP stormwater nonpoint source pollution control measures for Santa Monica Bay;
  • Recycle 1.0 million gallons per day (MGD); Treat up to 0.5 MGD of stormwater and/or brackish-saline-impaired groundwater for permitted beneficial reuse;
  • Treat up to 0.5 MGD of stormwater and/or brackish-saline-impaired groundwater for permitted beneficial reuse
  • Conserve over 1,680 acre-feet per year (AFY) of groundwater or imported water and many more.

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