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P3S21 - Virtual Tour: Sustainability & Resilience at the Aquarium of the Pacific

March 10, 2021
Contact Hours:

Member: $25.00
Non-Member: $35.00

1.2 contact hours towards CWEA's Environmental Compliance Inspector certification.

The Aquarium of the Pacific has embraced numerous initiatives and operating practices to reduce its environmental impact, from reducing consumption of energy and water to helping residents of Long Beach learn about climate change, its impacts, and how we can adapt. Join Emily Yam, Science Interpretation Manager, and others on a tour of the many sustainable projects and initiatives in place at this unique facility.

Learning Objectives:
Recognize some of the unique ways the Aquarium is sustainable
Understand that for the Aquarium sustainability and conservation go hand-in-hand
See how we keeps the Aquarium's energy usage to a constant level and reduce water usage


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