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Regulatory and Optimization Challenges with Digester Gas Systems (On-Demand)

October 21, 2020
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This session includes the following presentations:

Balancing Regulatory Deadlines with Uncertain Biogas Generation
Utilities are facing different challenges to meet regulatory requirements under very tight timelines while addressing future uncertainties which make decision making and design process very difficult. During this session, SBMWD’s approach will be reviewed to comply with Rules 1110.2&1118.1 while considering co-digestion to recover anticipated reduction in flows and loads.
Learning Objective(s): 
After participating in this session, attendees will be able to:
• Define SCAQMD Rules 1110.2 and 1118.1 and understand the requirements and the timeline to comply with these Regulations.
• Identify the possible ways to handle reduced flows and loads and impact of it on biogas management.
• Define the impacts of co-digestion on overall biogas management.

LCFS Credits for WRRF Co-Digestion Products
EBMUD is developing a groundbreaking food waste to electric vehicle (EV) charging carbon intensity (CI) pathway. This session will cover EBMUD’s experience with pathway certification and how the economics of the California carbon credit marketplace could give biogas projects new life in an era of cheap renewables.
Learning Objective(s): 
After participating in this session, attendees will be able to:
• Conceptualize the well-to-wheel pathway to calculate carbon intensity of transportation fuels produced from anaerobic co-digestion.
• Recognize how different co-digestion feedstocks will impact carbon intensity, LCFS values, and energy revenue.

Innovative Tool Helps with Decisions on Biogas Utilization for City of Riverside
This session will focus on an advanced food waste digester project in California. It will discuss the approach and tools developed to assist with the decision making process: an interactive model for biogas yields, solids/biogas system, solids dewatering, and disposal (bottlenecks) for biogas master planning.
Learning Objective(s): 
After participating in this session, attendees will be able to:
• Understand the benefits and challenges of food waste co-digestion in California incentives, challenges and operational costs.
• Determine the most suitable and beneficial biogas utilization option in connection with higher methane yields, biogas treatment and upgrading costs.
• Determine equipment needs and costs for bio slurry receiving, processing and managing solids from food waste co-digestion and determine solids dewatering bottlenecks and costs.

Overcoming Mixed Signals for Digester Gas Utilization
After participating in this session, participants will be able to compare and contrast choices of biogas utilization options versus current mixed signals, identify the pathways to overcoming constraints on biogas utilization options, and recognize actions needed to address current mixed signals for sustainable biogas utilization.
Learning Objective(s): 
After participating in this session, attendees will be able to:
• Compare and contrast the choices of biogas utilization options for digester gas utilization versus current mixed signals: market, regulatory and funding.
• Identify the pathways to overcoming constraints on biogas utilization options.
• Recognize the actions needed to address current mixed signals for sustainable biogas utilization."


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