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Event Profile

AC22 - Cloud-based and AI Solution for Sewer Defect Recognition and Analysis

April 13, 2022
Contact Hours:

Member fee: $20.00
Non-Member fee: $30.00 

.05 contact hours towards CWEA's: CSM ECI, MT Certifications 
SWRCB Waste Water CEUs: 0.5

This session will provide an overview of SewerLogic. SewerLogic is a tool recently developed by AECOM and uses computer vision to automatically detect defects in sewers and improve the efficiency of sewer rehabilitation planning.

Learning Objectives:
Appreciate how machine learning and artificial intelligence can aid engineers plan and execute sewer rehabilitation programs and integrate with existing workflows
Recognize the key elements and steps necessary to set up and train AI to automate detection of defects in sewers
Anticipate how emerging tools can improve the efficiency of sewer rehab programs, levels of service and aid in making data-driven decisions


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