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Keeping Outreach Alive during the Pandemic: One agencies story -On Demand

February 11, 2022
Contact Hours:

Member fee: $25.00
Non-Member fee: $35.00

CWEA Contact Hours: 1.2 contact hours towards ALL CWEA's certifications.

In 2016, the Roseville Utility Exploration Center (UEC) and Environmental Utilities launched an in-person utility tour at their regional wastewater treatment plant. The two-hour tour was led by interpreters describing the wastewater treatment process. It created lightbulb moments and offered an emotional response to the importance of cleaning water and how customers could reduce system impacts.

The UEC developed a virtual tour during the pandemic to replace the in-person experience. Rather than read words on a screen that described the treatment process (talk about a real snoozer), they went an extra step further using motion animation, compelling visuals, and voice-over.

Learning Objectives/Attendee Takeaways:
• A chance for wastewater PIOs, Outreach coordinators, and wastewater supervisors to see how other Agencies are handling the tours and outreach during the pandemic
• A chance for wastewater PIOs, Outreach coordinators, and wastewater supervisors to see a cooperative effort between several local utilities
• A chance for wastewater PIOs, Outreach coordinators, and wastewater supervisors to learn about the CWEA CEOC

Photo by City of Roseville.


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