2024 San Francisco Bay Section Career Fair
December 3, 2024
Contact Hours:
Don’t Miss Out on the Section’s only Career Fair of the school year! 
Click Here for Flyer The San Francisco Bay Section (SFBS) is hosting a career fair for students and job seekers at Back Forty Texas BBQ. The 2 hour career fair will be followed by a networking dinner. The SYP Committee will provide round table discussion topics for company representatives (reps) and students/job seekers, and we will end the night with door prizes.
Agenda -Dec. 3rd, 2023
4:30 PM Agency/Firm Registration
5:00 PM Career Fair
7:00 PM Networking Dinner
7:30 PM Round Table Discussions
8:30 PM Door Prizes
9:00 PM End of Event
For All Registrations: “Use the INDIVIDUAL
REGISTRATION link on this page to sign-up for the career fair and/or
networking dinner as an individual (i.e., student or job-seeker)
If you are an agency/firm, also use the INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATION
link on this page, to sign-up for sponsorship opportunities and for
registration for the networking dinner.
The Dietary restrictions section only applies to
people registering for the dinner and NOT the Career Fair only.
Please add dietary restrictions (such as vegetarian, non-vegetarian, etc.) in that section if you have any.
Event Contact Info:
Brett Fergusson
Sessions information is not available at this time.
Speaker information is not available at this time.